In the eastern Black sea region of Turkey, the city of Trabzon stands on the coastline. It is proud of its heritage and historical importance as a major trading port on the old silk road.
Photos of Trabzon in Northeast Turkey – Old Trabzon (Trebizond) photos and postcards gallery
- Hagia Georgios monastery >(Kushtul) Maçka, Trabzon
- Trabzon
- Bairam at Trabzon
- hagia Sophia church, Trabzon
- Akcakale Trabzon
- Saint Anne Church, Trabzon
- Battleship Yavuz (former Goeben) at the port, Trabzon 1930
- Trabzon Boztepe ridges
- Muleteer in Trebzind, Ottoman era
- Trabzon opening of trade and crafts fair, 1903
- Trabzon Agricultural School
- Harmanluk han, Trebizond
- Trabzon, Taksim Square, 1900
- Trabzon, Kemerkaya 1940’lar
- Trabzon, Taksim reservoir water
- Trabzon Tannery (Tabakhane)
- Trabzon Opera House (later Sumer cinema)
- Trabzon Soguksu
- Hamidiye school Trabzon in 1907
- Trabzon Kostaki mansion (later Ataturk kiosk)
- Trabzon villagers
- on High School 1930
- Trabzon Meidan
- Trabzon Museum, Kostakis Theofylaktos Mansion
- Trabzon band
- Trabzon St. George (Aya Yorgi, Hagia Georgios) church
- Trabzon St. George (Aya Yorgi, Hagia Georgios) church
- American consulate in Trabzon
- Philharmonic orchestra of Trebizond, Trabzon
- Comnenos palace at Trabzon
- Convent at Mount Mela, Sumeala Monastery, Trebizond
- Trabzon Dafnunda district (Çömlekçi) 1920
- Greek woman from Trebizond, in fine dress with embracings 1881. Photographer: D.N. Yermakov
- Kaymakli Armenian monastery at Trabzon
- In front of the municipal building, Trebizond 1930
- A yacht with Greek writing along the bottom Nautical Expedition and to the right Argo
- Kostakis Theofylaktos Mansion now Museum of Trebizond
- Trabzon old postcard